Gans, R. (In Press). The more I think about it, the less I like it: Effects of elaboration, psychological reactance and narrative transportation on the effectiveness of HPV vaccination advocacy messages. Submitted July 7, 2023, to Risk Analysis Journal. Accepted for publication on November 27, 2024.
Gans, R. (2024). How motivation type accounts for problematic levels of pro-social engagement across domains of politics, health and the workplace. Western Journal of Communication, 1-27.
Gans, R., & Zhan, M. (2023). Let’s influence that attitude before it’s formed: Inoculation against reactance to promote DEI training. International Journal of Business Communication,0(0), 1-25.
Gans, R. (2023). Effects of motivation on engagement across domains. ANZMAC 2023 Conference Proceedings, 47-49.
Gans, R. & Ingram, T.L. (2023). Are we preaching to the wrong choir? ANZMAC 2023 Conference Proceedings, 439-441.
Gans, R., & Zhan, M. (2023). A story about speaking up: Mediation effects of narrative persuasion on organizational voice intentions. International Journal of Business Communication, 60(3), 865-891.
Gans, R. (2021). Missing the mark in marketing health care services to emergent populations: Why we go wrong and how we might do better. International Journal of Healthcare Management, 14(4), 1429-1434.
Gans, R. (2020). How public health campaigns promote public health disparities. Southern Communication Journal, 85(2), 85-96.
Miller, F.A., Katz, J.H., & Gans, R. (2018). AI x I = AI2: The OD imperative to add inclusion to the algorithms of artificial intelligence. O.D. Practitioner, 50(1), 6-12.
Gans, R. (2015). Can’t take a joke: The asymmetrical nature of the politicized sense of humor. Proceedings of the New York State Communication Association: Vol. 2014, Article 2. Available at:
Gans, R. (2014). The politics of HPV vaccination advocacy: Effects of source expertise on effectiveness of a pro-vaccine message. Proceedings of the New York State Communication Association: Vol. 2013, Article 3. Available at:
Miller, F.A., Katz, J.H., & Gans, R. (1998). Becoming a worthy organization: Attracting and retaining the workforce needed for success in the 21st century. OD Practitioner, 30(3). 27-32.
Miller, F.A., & Gans, R. (2002, January). There is nothing more diverse than “new.” Cultural Diversity at Work Online. Available at:
Gans, R. (2001, July). A survival guide to corporate golf culture. Cultural Diversity at Work Online. Available at:
Gans, R. (2001, June). Inclusion and the Tiger Woods factor. Cultural Diversity at Work Online. Available at:
DaRos, D.J., Hamlett, E., Davis Howard, V., & Gans, R. (2001, May). The education of an agent of culture change. Cultural Diversity at Work Online.
DaRos, D.J., Davis Howard, V., & Gans, R. (2001, April). Agents of change transform the workplace…and themselves. Cultural Diversity at Work Online.
Miller, F.A., & Gans, R. (2001, March). Recruitment and retention: None have seen the promised land. Cultural Diversity at Work Online.
Katz, J.H., & Gans, R. (2001, March). Caution: Diversity results can be dangerous. Cultural Diversity at Work Online.
Biggs, M.E., & Gans, R. (2001, February). Managers must become agents of change. Cultural Diversity at Work Online.
Gans, R. (2001, January). Why managers must listen. Cultural Diversity at Work Online. Available at:
Katz, J.H., Miller, F.A., & Gans, R. (2001, January). Bottleneck on the path to inclusion. Cultural Diversity at Work Online.
Jamison, K.L., & Gans, R. (2000, June). Post-downsizing recovery: Strategies for thriving. Cultural Diversity at Work Online.
Jamison, K.L., & Gans, R. (2000, May). Measuring up: Tracking progress to make progress. Cultural Diversity at Work Online.
Jamison, K.L., & Gans, R. (2000, April). Think small. Cultural Diversity at Work Online.
Jamison, K.L., & Gans, R. (2000, March). Downsizing syndrome: People practices suffer. Cultural Diversity at Work Online.
Jamison, K.L., & Gans, R. (2000, February). New leadership model ascends from the ashes of downsizing. Cultural Diversity at Work Online.
Miller, F.A., DaRos, D.J., & Gans, R. (2000, January). Confronting racism: What cities can do. Western City 76(1).
Katz, J.H., & Gans, R. (1998, November). Making managers account for diversity. Cultural Diversity at Work 11(2).
Katz, J.H., & Gans, R. (1998, July). Three causes of resistance and what to do about it. Cultural Diversity at Work 10(6).
Miller, F.A., & Gans, R. (1998, March). What makes a good manager? Cultural Diversity at Work 10(4).
Gans, R. (1979, May). Rawlings baits the hook. Mike Shayne Mystery Magazine, 43(2), 107-109.