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Conference Presentations

Refereed research paper and abstract presentations

Zhan, M. & Gans, R. (2024). “Empowering inclusion: Harnessing narrative persuasion to foster allyship for underrepresented minority newcomers in organizations.” Review-ready research paper presented during Organizational Communication Research Escalator session at the 74th Annual International Communication Association (ICA) convention in Gold Coast, Australia, June 23, 2024.

Gans, R. (2024). “I guess you twisted my arm: Effects of elaboration and reactance on responses to Covid-19 vaccination advocacy messages.” Research paper presented during the “Health Communication for Behavior Change” session at the 74th Annual International Communication Association (ICA) convention in Gold Coast, Australia, June 22, 2024.

Gans, R., & Ingram, T.L. (2023). “Are we preaching to the wrong choir?” Research paper presented at the 2023 Australia New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference (ANZMAC), Dunedin, New Zealand, December 4-6, 2023.

Gans, R. (2023). “Effects of motivation on engagement across domains.” Research paper presented at the 2023 Australia New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference (ANZMAC), Dunedin, New Zealand, December 4-6, 2023.

Gans, R. (2023). “I guess you twisted my arm: Effects of elaboration and reactance on responses to Covid-19 vaccination advocacy messages.” Research abstract of preliminary findings presented at the 2023 International Conference on Communication in Healthcare (ICCH), Rio Mar, Puerto Rico, October 23, 2023.

Gans, R., & Sinta, V. (2023). “Inoculation against misinformation: A strategy to address social media sources of vaccination hesitancy in Hispanic populations.” Research abstract presented at the 2023 International Conference on Communication in Healthcare (ICCH), Rio Mar, Puerto Rico, October 24, 2023.

Gans, R. (2023). “How can we persuade them to get the shot? Applying the HBM and EPPM to designing and measuring the effectiveness of health interventions.” Research abstract presented at the 2023 International Conference on Communication in Healthcare (ICCH), Rio Mar, Puerto Rico, October 23, 2023.

Gans, R. (2022). “Some messages work better when people don’t pay attention: Effects of elaboration, psychological reactance, and narrative transportation on the effectiveness of HPV vaccination advocacy messages.” Top Paper, Applied Communication Division, 2022 National Communication Association Annual Convention, New Orleans. (November 19, 2022).

Gans, R. (2021). “Let me tell you a story about vaccination advocacy: How reactance moderates the effects of transportation on message effectiveness.” Oral presentation to the International Conference on Communication in Healthcare. (Virtual conference) (October 17, 2021).

Gans, R., & Zhan, M. (2021). “This is a story about speaking up: A moderated mediation analysis of narrative persuasion in organizational communication.” Research paper presentation to the 71st Annual International Communication Association (ICA) Conference. (Virtual conference) (May 30, 2021).

Gans, R. (2020). “It’s not what they know, it’s what they think they know: Effects of narrative and informational pre-education strategies on compliance with HPV-vaccination advocacy messages.” Poster presentation, 2020 Academy of Communication in Healthcare Research Forum. (Virtual conference) (June 27, 2020).

Gans, R., & Pfisterer-Heise, S. (2020). “Why won’t they just do what’s good for them? Use of pro-social marketing to overcome resistance to health-related behavioral recommendations.” Workshop presentation, 2020 Academy of Communication in Healthcare Research Forum. (Virtual conference) (June 26, 2020).

Gans, R. (2019). “Missing the mark in marketing healthcare services to Hispanic populations: The intersection of cultural dissonance and stereotype threat.” Poster presentation at the 2019 International Conference on Communication in Healthcare, San Diego CA. (October 29, 2019).

Gans, R. (2019). “Who you gonna listen to? Effects of source expertise and predisposition on effectiveness of an HPV-vaccination advocacy message.” Oral presentation at the 2019 International Conference on Communication in Healthcare, San Diego CA. (October 28, 2019).

Gans, R. (2019). “Marketing health care services to Hispanic populations in Anglo-rich markets: The intersection of cultural disconnection and stereotype threat.” Presentation at the 2019 Hispanic/Latino Media and Marketing International Conference, University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington TX. (February 23, 2019).

Gans, R. (2018). “How public health campaigns promote public health disparities.” Research paper presented at the National Communication Association 104th Annual Convention, Salt Lake City, UT. (November 9, 2018).

Gans, R. (2018). “How public health campaigns promote public health disparities.” Oral abstract presentation (Top Ten Oral Abstract selection), 2018 Academy of Communication in Healthcare Research Forum, Tampa, FL. (June 2, 2018).

Gans, R. (2014). “Can’t take a joke: The asymmetrical nature of the politicized sense of humor.” Research paper presented at the 72nd Annual Conference of the New York State Communication Association, Ellenville, NY. (October 17, 2014).

Gans, R. (2013). “The politics of HPV vaccination advocacy: Effects of source expertise on effectiveness of a pro-vaccine message.” Research paper (Top Graduate Student Paper award winner) presented at the 71st Annual Conference of the New York State Communication Association, Ellenville, NY. (October 19, 2013).