Roger Gans
- Marketing Communication Strategist
- Award-Winning Copywriter/Creative Director
- College-Level Instructor of Advertising, Public Relations & Communication Research Methods
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A tenure-track Assistant Professor of Communication at the University of Texas at Arlington, Roger Gans has been a Visiting Assistant Professor in the Communication Department at St. Edward’s University in Austin, and also served as an adjunct professor in the management and communications departments at Russell Sage College in Troy, NY, and the Sage Colleges of Albany.
His teaching experience includes courses in advertising, marketing, public relations, public speaking, interpersonal communications, and an occasional advanced writing course.
A key area of focus in all his coursework is persuasion: how to practice it, and how to recognize and resist when it is being practiced on you.
When off campus, he is a writer and marketing consultant who specializes in persuasive communications. His advertising work has won dozens of awards for creativity and effectiveness in print, radio and television.
He has written and co-authored more than 100 published articles in a wide range of general interest, scholarly and vertical market journals on subjects ranging from business strategies, management competencies and cultural diversity to neuroscience, karate and golf.
His current projects include research on persuasive strategies for overcoming dispositional and ideological differences in communicating public policy messages, examining problematic disengagement in high-risk populations, and searching for a decent bakery in Arlington, Texas.